01. You have questions to be answered

The iShoU System - Visualising People’s Experiences

iShoU engages with people helping them understand and articulate their experiences.

iShoU creates a ‘pulse’ of users responses, dynamically aggregating, analysing and visualising this experiential data.

iShoU delivers quantitative insights that are timely, compelling and easily understood.

iShoU is a unique tool for understanding any visitor experience: an exhibition, museum, lecture, conference, retail space, shopping mall, and more!

Visualising people’s experiences

Dr Anita Kocsis

Director, Design Factory Melbourne
Swinburne University


Engage, understand, create better experiences

Create and manage surveys for multiple activities online


Visitors participate and complete the surveys interactively


Record, display & access

Participants can simultaneously record, display and access momentary thoughts, feelings, and actions. and by doing so reveal their own responses in relation to others. The iShoU platform aggregates data over time offering longitudinal insights across varying demographics and situations.  

We believe in empowering experiences

To start a trial of iShoU

Send us a email to talk about potential opportunities

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A Visual Pulse

iShoU provides a visually compelling ‘pulse’ of participants response for stakeholders, in real-time.. The design facilitates the simplification of complex, heterogeneous data into a ubiquitously understood format. 

iShoU innovations

Co-creating spaces

Beyond verbal or text-based surveys iShoU uses ‘image schemas’ to solicit valuable clues to individual and collective experience. Through smart technologies iShoU reveals to stakeholders how people learn, create, inhabit, and socialize. Every space where cultural or retial can be ‘co-created’ using this methodology. 


iShoU is the result of ten years of research into the embodied experience of visitors in spaces of constructed experience and immersive virtual reality systems. The conceptual framework that underpins iShoU combines visitor research, design thinking, psychology and human computer interaction (HCI) to gauge direct qualitative participation from the user.

iShoU digital disruptive survey system

Dr Sarah Kenderdine

Director: ArtLab
Laboratory for Experimental Museology (eM+)
EPFL Lausanne Switzerland


Learn qualitative responses through visual data


The knowledge behind iShoU

technology consultants

02. Develop your questions online with the iShoU custom builder for export as a bespoke App.

03. Your App goes to work engaging your users, collecting their realtime experiences.

04. Ongoing live Analysis of your data is easy through iShoU creative visualisation system online.

Deakin Software and Technology Innovation Lab (DSTIL)

Programming / App Dev / Data and Analytics
Deakin University
